Been very bad at blogging recently so going to get back to it. Summary since 29 June below:
Training 4-5 times per week (run only) with average mileage about 50 miles a week. Longest run was 23 miles.
Won the Gibb, around 28 mins, could have gone faster but wanted the win not the time.
15th at Surrey League (THH), 4th to 3 miles, massively need to work on speed endurance and will be right up there.
PB on 5km (Riddlesdown Parkrun) - 16.04 mins, could have gone sub 16 but fell over on hairpin!
Won the Orion Harriers mob match in 42.02 mins with 1.05 mins to spare (field of 200), went off hard at a big hill with about 5 miles to go (of 7.5 miles), felt it but was able to keep pushing and open a big enough gap to be happy with.
9th Fastest at Reigate Relays.
Overall happy with season to date however now ITB around.
Past 4 weeks its been very slight (left leg), now quite severe. Left glute is very tight and so working on this with Ian, also been doing 3 hours of yoga per week.
Will run surrey leagues this saturday and then 2 weeks off everything except swimming and cycling (week 2).
Aim is surrey qualifiers in early Jan. Hence will need to be back to running by mid Dec to get enough mileage in, will keep fitness with cycliung.
19/2/14 - Run
11 years ago