Felt that I had unfinished business fromt he week before so turned up to run a well paced hard run and get a result that I felt I deserved.
Nobody serious turned up which helped with the pacing. Went out at a pretty decent pace and just held it there making sure I ran within myself. I think I probably went out a little conservative, especially on the downhill of the first lap. Went through the timecheck in 8.13mins (7.45 mins last week). Took it fairly easy on the hill and ran hard off the top of it, really suffered to the top of the hill, opened up a little bit more on the flat but was pretty close to my maximum. For the final downhill stretch I absolutely flew and same ont he final 200m straight.
1st Place
16.31 mins (previous PB 17.00 mins)
Could def take 10 seconds on downhill in first lap and maybe another couple of seconds up the hill.
19/2/14 - Run
11 years ago
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