Thursday, 27 September 2012

26 Sept - Swim

Body feeling it from the gym session yesterday.

Swim session 1 from training log

400m w/u

6 * 50m kicking

1 * 400m - 6.20 mins
2 * 200m - 3.20 mins, 3.20 mins
4 * 100m - 1.30 mins, 1.40 mins, 1.40 mins, 1.40 mins
8 * 50m - 45 secs, 50 secs, 50 secs, 50 secs, 50 secs, 50 secs, 50 secs, 50 secs

200m w/d

Arms absolutely dies towards the end of the session, really good though, body is ruined.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

25 Sept - Gym

With ITB being bad I decided to head down to the gym to see if I can finally correct this imbalance in my Glute Medius.

Right Glute is weaker than left causing the ITB and pain when I cycle.

Did Gym session 1 from the training plan. (2 hours of intense legs, glute and core).

Really really tiring session but pleased I did it.

22 Sept - Bike - ACC training group (1st)

Ride out with Addiscombe, decided to attempt the training group.

Went with the attitude of no matter how I felt I would always say yes. What a difference it made, first part was OK up to Merstham, Matt kept the pace pretty regular which helped a lot.

Got dropped on the Steps but ruined myself over the top of the hill to catch up, got caught by two sets fo lights but just as I'd given up saw the group ahead, went hard and caught them just after the high street.

Sat in the middle back of the group with difficulty but not out of control, pace slowly increased and I found every single hill I would lose some ground and then have to fight back on. Stayed in Dans wheel towards the back. Just after Newdigate the group reduced a bit so I ended up hanging off the back, held on to Rusper Hill. First part of the hill I got dropped but took 2 deep breaths, shut my eyes and sprinted back to the group. Held on to close to the top of the second part of the hill then flew off the back. Tried the deep breath sprinting again but nothing happened, looked down and I was doing 46km per hour just off the back on my own. Got dropped fully but kept the pressure on to the through and off.

Managed to catch up before the through and off, did two cycles and then decided if I stayed in I would get dropped. Sat on the back floowing the rider in front then dropping back to the left. I was on the limit all of the way, got dropped once but managed to hang on and catch up at some oppurtune lights. Hung on all the way to the Charlwood sprint, tried to come through to the front but the legs were gone.

Cycled back with Matt at a very hard pace, think we averaged about 23mph home. Got dropped a couple of times but could hold the pace once Matt waited so recovery was no issue.

Hardest I've tried on a bike and most I've suffered, loved it.

ITB not great afterwards.

Friday, 21 September 2012

20 Sept - Run (ITB)

SLH session at Beechwood Ave

Long warm up as got lost , ITB tight.

800m rep - moderate to easy
1400m rep - full gas with Gary - 3.46 mins (4.20 mile pace!)
800m rep - easy
1400m rep - hard - 4.10 mins

Short warm down.

Mixed session, absolutely brilliant training with Gary, but ITB was a nightmare.

The full gas effort felt really good, found it tough but easy to hang on with Gary. Both really similar speeds so its going to be really good training with him when im back to training.

ITB on the other hand was difficult, really disappointing as tuesday session was brilliant. all I can think is that warm up was too long. going to take a few days off and settle it down, plus strength work.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

18 Sept - Run

Cycle over to SLH for reps:

3 mile bike

10 min w/u

10 mins - 1 minute hard, 30 seconds easy

2 min break

10 mins - 1 minute hard, 30 seconds easy

10 min warm down

3 mile bike

ITB felt absolutely fine, very very slight tightness overnight but nothing major, going to keep on the strength and stretching. Going to ease back into some proper training slowly, still 4 weeks to first Surrey League.

Tough session but need more people around me to push me harder.

Monday, 17 September 2012

15 Sept - Surrey Road Relays

Surrey Road relays at Wimbledon Park Stadium.

I was leg 5 of 6. Easy warm up with stretching.

course was jsut short of 5km, first 2km uphill, next 1km downhill and final 2km flat.

Went very hard fromt he start, partly rustiness of racing and partly over eager as had a week off. Stayed strong throughout but it really hurt.

15.06 mins (Gary 15.10, Stuart Major 15.11 and Paskar Owar 14.01 (first place))

Team came 5th overall.

ITB felt tight but not horrendous, definitely need to keep things ticking over.

13 Sept - Run

SLH hill rep session.

easy 3km warm up.

Only did half the session, stretching in between the missed reps.

4 * 90 second uphill effort, felt really good but knee still tightening up. not great but not bad.

12 Sept - Run

Short run (3km). Knee feeling very tight, almost feelign tighter for not doing anything.

Monday, 10 September 2012

10 Sept - Bike

1 hour 10 min ride to work via tatsfield. feeling OK, ITB there but not a problem.

7th Sept - Bike ACC

Ride with Addiscombe 20 mph group.

Averaged 20mph to the Cafe with 70% of time spent on the front. Felt OK.

Easy ride home (18.5mph average)

ITB slightly upset but a lot better than running.

5th Sept - Run

Run with Mike B and Pies. out to Shirley hills. approx 4 miles. Feeling effortlessly strong but ITB tight throughout.

Going to have to back off training again :s

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

4th Sept - Run (Track)

Structured Track session at battlebridge running track.

2,800m warm up
5 minute plyometrics
2,000m @ 6.22 mins (aiming for 6.18 mins but dropped off in final lap)
3 minute break
2,000m @ 6.35 mins (aiming for 6.18 mins but dropped off in final two laps)
2 minute break
1,000m @ 3.09 mins (aiming for 3.09 mins, felt fairly easy)
3 minute break
2,500m warm down

I just could not hold the 2,000m at 15.45 min 5km pace. 1km felt fairly easy despite being at the end of the session. So I guess speed endurance needs work.

ITB OK during session but slightly tight afterwards.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

3 Sept - Run

Easy 6km run with Kirsty including one 1.30 min hill effort. Still very slight ITB in right knee.

1 Sept - Run

12km hilly run with Matt on his wedding day.

Still very slight ITB  in right knee.

31 August - Run

Morning run with Kirsty on Bodmin Moor - 10km hilly in about 1 hour. Afternoon run with Ben Pearce and Chris Chapman - 14km hilly in about 1 hour 10 mins. Second run was really tough. Very very slight ITB in right knee