500m w/u 450m drills 450m breathing drills (3,5,7) 10 * 100m off 1.55 mins 50m break 10 * 100m off 1.55 mins (with paddles) 200m Breast, Butterfly and Back
Total Dist: 3700m
Swimming is feeling really strong at the moment, could have easily gone off 1.45 mins which is such a massive improvement on last year (about 2.10 mins).
1o mins w/u, 10 mins single leg drills, 10 mins focusing on full pedal stroke, 10 mins TT, 2.5 mins easy, 5 min TT, 2.5 mins easy, 5 mins single leg drill, 5 mins w/d.
Without doubt the toughest ride of my life. so wet with a freezing windchill, entire body was numb. Brilliant fun though, glad I went. Just under 3 hours.
10 min hills on treadmill 6 * 25 reps 20,40,50,50,40,25kg on each leg. Right leg is starting to get much stronger. 10 min on x-trainer 5 min on stepper