Felt pretty good for the whole race.
Stopped for about 30 seconds on the swim to try to sort out my wetsuit which was a bit pointless to be honest because it didnt go away. From there I was at the back of the pack which I think worked to my advantage, I just got my head down and swam my own race, felt really strong and not too hard, such a good location (good work Jim). When I got out the water I was second which I didn't even realise until then. Stumbled around for a bit and spent too long at T2.
Had super numb hands and feet once onto the bike, fell off going through a gate which hurt like a mofo, ate a whole Energy Bar for the first ten minutes on the bike which lost me a bit of time but I think helped a lot in the whole race. Then got my head down and overtook Brett about 1/3rd of the way through (he went past me when I fell off). From there it went into hills which I love so just got my head down and pedalled hard. Got to T2 feeling pretty good, had drunk plenty which is usually an issue for me.
First into T2 (Jim broke his bike), but was slow making the transition which allowed Paul to get ahead of me, again found my rythm quickly and just ran my own race, pushed it hard on the downhill and flats but slow on the uphills. Was trying to estimate my distance using the time but I was planning on a 20 min 5k when it actually took about 18min so my pace was a little slow. Felt the ITB a tiny bit but nothing too major.
Overall really pleased with the race, a really really good location and brilliant Weather. muchos thanks to Jim for organising it and breaking down on his bike for me.
900m swim and T1 -- 24.21 mins
22km Cycle and T2 -- 52.12 mins
5km Run -- 17.57 mins
Total Time -- 1.34.39 mins
19/2/14 - Run
11 years ago
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