Was in the championship start so got to warm up etc. with Paula and Mo, etc. Then short walk to the front of the race and off.
Start was very hectic and I was determined to run out of the crowds, went through the first 1km in 3.03 mins which was 9 seconds too fast. followed this up with a 3.06 and then a 3.09, all way too fast. At 4km I started to feel the pace, dropped off it a little and Jo Pavey/Paula Radcliffe went past me.
Went through 5km at 16.26 and by now legs were starting to slow. Cadence just wasn't there. Started to hang onto the back of people to get a tow, hung on like this pretty succesfully until about 7km. A really slight rise completely ruined me, back onto the embankment and it got pretty hot and by now legs speed just was not there, mentally I stayed really strong, each time I was passed I latched onto the back of them but just could not sustain the pace, my head was spinning and chest was on fire, I was absolutely on the limit.
At 9km I again tried to pick the pace up and managed to ever so slightly, managed a do or die "sprint finish" and clawed back 6 places so was pleased with that.
An awful race which was pretty much completely my own fault, heat didn't help at all, but as usual pacing needs to be worked on. Retrospectively enjoyed myself though!
- Start closer to the front so that I don't have to push through the crowds.
- Ease into the run, its easier to pick up 5 seconds later in the race than gain it early and lose it.
- Must work on endurance, the speed is there and mentally I am strong but the endurance is not.
- Tied in with my endurance I need to work on my pacing so that I know when I am pushing to hard (feel rather than time), I felt fine for first 3km and so pushed too hard.
Training to focus on - Tempo runs, long (over 10 mile) runs, I have the speed so only one session a week on that.
34.40 mins (16.26 mins 5km split)
147th Place out of around 10,000
19/2/14 - Run
11 years ago