SLH openwater swim champs at Southwater.
1500m course with a staggered start (handicap).
I was last off with Brian, plan was to draft off him for first 500m then move off hard but I felt strong from the start and so thought I would go for it. Caught up with Emma (30 seconds ahead) in first 250m. Settled in to a hard pace for next 750m, just keeping motivated and pushing hard. opened up about 40 seconds on Brian. last 500m I decided to test out the new sprinting method, went at about 90% for 10 strokes, then extended it 10 etc. etc. was able to hold for 400m and then move up to 100% for last 100m (which was awful).
Total time 24.01 mins (PB by about 5 minutes!). 1st Place.
Race went perfectly, looking forward to the final tri of the season in a month!
19/2/14 - Run
11 years ago