Tuesday, 30 March 2010

29th March - Swim

300m w/u
3 * 150m drills (fd,tb,fists)
6 * 50m reducing count.
6 * 200m - 3.30, 3.20, 3.30, 3.25, 3.15, 3.25. (20 second break)

Tough session, used the pull buoy to make sure no ITB problems.

Monday, 29 March 2010

27th March - Bike (Long)

108 mile Ride - 6.50 hours:

Epsom, Dorking, Horsham, Cowfold, Bolney, Haywards Heath, Lindfield, Turners Hill, East Grinstead, TW, Sevenoaks, Westerham, Home.

A tough, hilly course. Kept up average of around 15.5mph. Very strong for first half, keeping average around 19mph, lost speed towards the end (fatigue), especially given the high number of hills towards the end. Quite slow but happy to finish the distance without bonking etc.

Nutrition was no problem, Granola bar/Snickers every hour with a Gel at the end (prob wasn't that useful), topping up with Dextrose as and when, 50% water, 50% ISO. Prob should have drunk more, around 1.5 - 2l consumed.

Overall really pleased, felt fairly strong coming off the bike and with less hills would feel stronger.

ITB in my left leg towards the end, adjusted my saddle too high, will have 5 days off running/cycling then back on it.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

24th March - Swim

2km run to swimming

2.2km swim (approx 43 mins)

2km run home.

24th March - Run

Lunchtime interval run, 6 * 500m sprints, total distance 8km.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

23rd March - Bike

40 min Hill Session, up to Knights and Bug hill.

So nice to go out for a quick bike, felt like my legs would never get tired!!

39.30 mins

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

22nd March - Swim

Swim with SLH

300m w/u
400m Drills
300m reducing stroke
12 * 100m efforts - off about 1.45 mins

22nd March - Run

Lunchtime Run out to Copthorne

50 minutes easy/med pace.

Monday, 22 March 2010

20th March - Bike

Out with Addiscombe 19mph. Severely hungover so didn't enjoy it at all on way out.

Back on my own keeping average 18.5 mph. Back was feeling it on the tribars.

It was absolutely soaking all the way but warm and so really good fun!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

17th March - Run

45 minute easy lunchtime XC run.

17th March - Bike

Cycle to and from work.

15 miles each way: 1 hour on way out, 45 mins on way back!!

Tribars are so quick, also adjusted saddle up 1cm which seems to have improved pedalling power, going to up another 1.5cm.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

15th March - Swim

300m w/u
2500m effort,
10 * 100m @ 1.35mins (15 second break)
5 * 100m with paddles,
10 * 100m @2 mins (no break).

Monday, 15 March 2010

15th March - Run (10km TT)

Lunchtime run with a 10km effort:

500m w/u
10km - 37.25 mins
500m w/d

Splits as follows:
8.25 mins
10 mins
10 mins
9 mins

Feeling pretty good, nice to stretch the legs properly again.

14th March - Run

XC am Run - around 50 minutes at medium pace.

13th March - Bike & Run

48 mile bike ride to Reigate, Newdigate, Leigh Hill, Abinger, Wooton, Dorking, Reigate, Home.

average 16mph which given the savagry of Leigh hill and that Mike was ruined by the end not bad, still feeling strong on the bike.

Quick 15 min run straight off, no problems, legs felt really strong.

12th March - Swim

SLH Training:
800m drills and w/u
8* 100m off 1.50 mins (average 1.30 mins with 20 sec break)
breast stroke w/d

Friday, 12 March 2010

11th March - Run

50 minute run up Sanderstead Hill and back twice. 1st lap easy pace, 2nd lap medium pace, feeling a little unfit but all OK really.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

8th March - Swim

Training with SLH:
250m w/u
450m breathing drills
6 * 50m reducing stroke
7 * 150m (around 2.10 mins with 30 sec rec)

Total 2,050m

Monday, 8 March 2010

7th March - Bike

Ride out to Redhill and back to stretch the legs.

17 miles - 1 hour.

6th March - Bike

Morning solo Ride.

Purley, Reigate, Newdigate, Dorking, Leatherhead, Boxhill, Kingswood, Coulsdon, Purley.

47 miles - 2.48 hours (16 mph)

Spent about 40 minutes working on strength in a big gear, feeling pretty strong, up box hill with the ball buster so prob faster than normal!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

3rd March - Run

Lunchtime Run

8km Fahtlek running, feeling relatively strong, slowed down a little too much between sprints but not a bad session considering time constraints.

Monday, 1 March 2010

1st Mar - Bike

1 hour on turbo:
10 min w/u
20 min single leg
5 min smooth pedal
20 min (2 min hard 3 min rest)
5 min w/d

27th Feb - Swim Challenge (New PB)

SLH Swim Challenge:

1 hour challenge:

139 lengths (3,470m)

Last year I managed 119 lengths (2975m) so extremely pleased, felt pretty strong for most of it, if anything I had negative splits. Managed to push really really hard for last 15 minutes which I was really pleased with, forearms felt it the most.