Wednesday, 29 July 2009

29th July - Ride (New PB)

Usual Ride out to Westerham:

First ride out on the new bike and it didn't disappoint (see below)

Out 7.7 miles - 31.47
Back 7.9 miles - 29 mins

Westerham hill TT - 5.45 mins! (New PB)

Took it easy for most of the ride getting used to the new bike then went hard on Westerham Hill, bearing in mind I have hardly ridden at all and I messed the gears up about 6 times on the way up I absolutely killed my PB (previous 6.04 mins).

So pleased with the bike, be afraid.

27th June - Swim

Swim with SLH

300m Drills

7 * 150m sprints

Fast lane

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

25th July - Ride 10m TT

Addiscombe TT at Dorking,

29.15 mins - 21 mph

pretty slow but did beat some people and was the only one with no TT bike.

23rd July - Run

Fahtlek Run with K, 3km, easy

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

20th July -Swim

Training with SLH

6 sets of:

100m- (25m fast 75m recovery)
100m- (50m fast 50m recovery)
100m- (75m fast 25m recovery)
100m- (100m fast)

Went into the fast lane again today, was so much harder, the recovery was as fast as my flat out pretty much.

Having said that one of the best sessions I have had in ages, middle lane is getting too easy now so am going to stick to the fast and suffer for a few months.

Monday, 20 July 2009

19th July - MTB

Ride out at Bedgebury, Ed and I both feeling really strong.

17th July - Bike

Ride with Addiscombe,

Started out with training group, dropped just before Merstham, rode on my own for next 25km, then caught up by 19mph, worked hard on the front and got dropped a bit later, back via dual carrigeway, 38kmph average for 6km!!

Drove back from Gatwick

16th July - Run & Swim

10km Run to SLH - 45 mins

SLH Swim training:

400m - W/u
600m - Drills
400m - 25m Sprint, 25m Recovery

15th July - Bike

1.5 hour ride around Battle, sprint work with minimal recovery, feeling OK.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

13th July - Run

Run out to Woldingham with Kirsty.

9.5km - 1.10 hours, pretty hilly course.

Monday, 13 July 2009

11th July - Ride (T group)

Ride with Addiscombe CC.

Went out with training group (as opposed to 19mph).

Average for first 3km (to M23) was 26mph, missed a gear, lost about 1m off thewheel in-front and that was it I was dropped. Ed got dropped about 300m after that and so we both hung back for the 19mph. legs were screwed after training group ride so got dropped off 19mph at about 30 miles, caught up for the through and off. (ave 33mph).

Struggled back (almost bonked).

Without doubt the hardest I have ever worked on the bike (including "Tour of Kent"). Going to go back out with the training group next week and try to hang on until Redhill.

10th July - Swim

SLH Swim -

10 min warm up
600m drills
4 * 200m (3.10mins my split)
4 * (3*25m sprint & 25m Recovery)

9th July - Run/Ride

Quick 40 min ride and 25 min run, med/easypace not really feeling it.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

8th July - Run (10km TT)

Lunchtime run around 2.5km gatwick loop.

Lap 1 - 8.30 mins
Lap 2 - 9.00 mins
Lap 3 - 10.00 mins
Lap 4 - 10.00 mins

Total 10km time - 37.30 mins

Would prefer negative laps, went out too hard on the first lap, legs feeling pretty heavy from Fahtlek yesterday. ITB kept under control by leaning forwards more and not relaxing. More than happy with the time, think with some work could have it down to at least 35 mins.

7th July - Run

Quick Lunchtime Fahtlek run around Gatwick, 10 min w/u, 20 min Fahtlek, 5 min w/d

6th July - Swim

Swim training with SLH

150m w/u

400m - (7.12 mins)
300m - my lead
400m - my lead (7.10 mins)

30 second recovery between each

Monday, 6 July 2009

5th July - Bike & Run

Morning Ride out to Boxhill, feeling slow and rubbish after a week off in Chamonix (got some MTB, swimming and running done out there).

56km - 2.10 hours

Evening Run - 15 minutes very fast tempo, felt good but ITB was there after 5 mins.