Friday, 20 March 2009

20th March - Core Work

45 minutes Core work (focus on legs, stomach and bum).

Thursday, 19 March 2009

19th March - Swim

Morning Swim at Redhill


Didnt bother with timing, feeling completely fine at the end, didnt push it too hard. Took 500m to warm up, need to improve that somehow.

18th March - Run

6.5km - 25 mins

Longest run since the injuries, feeling fine, a little out of practice and slight pain in my calf but nothing major and no ITB! Fingers crossed I can keep upping the distance.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

16th March - Swim

Quick 15 min Run.

Swim sesion at SLH.

5 * 400m (1 min break between each):

6.58 mins
7.02 mins (My lead)
7.25 mins
7.20 mins
7.03 mins

Final extra 400m led by Me then Kate:
200m split: 3.20 (Me), 3.45 (Kate)
400m: 7.05 mins.

Feeling really strong and comfortable with swimming at the moment.

15th March - Brick

Early morning cycle out to Westerham and back (working hard). Followed by run up to the Harrow, feeling really weak for first 1km on the run but picked up after that. No sign of ITB.

14th March - Bike

Cycling with addiscombe CC, out to redhill the long way. Feeling really strong on the way out (ave. 18mph). On the way back we tagged onto the training group which was absolute agony, spent the whole time desperately trying to hang onto there wheel. Kept up to the next stop. Bonked from MErstham home which was an absolute mission, nice to be out on a long ride again.

60 miles around4 hours (with stops).

Thursday, 12 March 2009

12th March - Swim

Morning Swim at Redhill

300m Warm up
multiple 50m swims working on low stroke count.

followed by pyramid down from 400m, really trying to work on length of stroke.

Really not in the mood

11th March - Run

Two Laps around the usual estate, ITB felt completely fine until the last 20m, really pleased. Legs felt slightly heavy and definitely not feeling as crisp as usual on the run but core fitness still seems to be there.

9th March - Run & Swim

Morning Run out to Farleigh Common, ITB started up after about 4km, walked the rest but at least the stretching seems to be allowing the distance to increase.

Swim with SLH:

300m - Warm up
400m - Drills

3 *
100m - Normal Swim
100m - Wrong Side Breathing
100m - Bi-lateral breathing
100m - Breathe every 5 strokes.

Felt really strong.

7th March - Ride

Morning Ride with Tommy and Mike, out to Westerham and back, off road tyres on but with better pressure. Feeling really strong in the last 10 miles, seems to take at least 10 miles to warm up the legs.

6th March - Ride

Evening Ride out to Woldingham with Tommy, had the off road tyres with really low pressure so a good hard ride. 15 miles approx.

Friday, 6 March 2009

5th March - Swim

Session at Purley Pool with Mike

200m Warm up

Pyramid Set (30 second break between each:

100m - 1.34 mins
200m - 3.40 mins
300m - 5.40 mins
400m - 7.46 mins
300m -
200m -
100m - 1.30 mins

4th March - Bike

Down to Croydon and Bike going at 100% effort.

Followed up with 250 Squats, really hard session on the thighs!!

3rd March - Run

Quick 3km Run, feeling OK, more of a test for the ITB which didnt seem to show up.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

2nd March - Swim

SLH Training

400m Warm up

300m Drills

8 * 150m Main Set (15 second break between each)

2.24 (My Lead)

28th Feb - Swim Challenge (New PB)

SLH Swim Challenge, 1 hour swim.

2,980m - really pleased with this although was hoping to make the 3,000m mark!!

1500m split was sub 30 minutes in the 29's (New PB) will update once I have the actual time.

Felt wrecked afterwards!!

27th Feb - Run

ITB started up again, so back to the physio I guess!!